Research indicates professionals entering the workforce should expect to change careers eight to ten times in one’s lifetime. This amazing statistic requires an intentional plan of action to reach career goals and have positive outcomes regardless of the economy. A pro-active stance regarding career development success and individual growth is central to optimal career progression. This includes targeted resumes, accurate labor market information and job search strategies that work. Employers seek to hire individuals with focus, confidence and tangible results they bring to the table for one reason: they are the solution to the employer’s problem.

Career Span, Inc. views career development as a progressive journey encompassing four continual phases:

S: self-assessment

O: occupational exploration

A: actual decision-making
R: resulting success

Self-assessment: Career Span’s certified career counselors will assist you in by assessing your interests, values, personality and skills. Using various vocational instruments including the Self-Directed Search, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Strong Interest Inventory, our goal is to help you identify what factors in your work and leisure bring satisfaction, fulfillment and productivity.

Occupational exploration: Once you’ve inventoried your interests, values, personality and skills, we transition to the second phase of exploration. This includes researching the latest trends in the world of work, occupations of interest and networking with professionals who are employed in careers you want to pursue.

Actual decision-making: This phase is a culmination of self-assessment and occupational exploration involving setting goals and preparation for success. This includes creating a one, three and five year career plan based on your personal mission statement.

Resulting success: Career Span offers multiple job search tools to help reach your goals including resume templates, interviewing preparation, and effective search strategies. We encourage clients to become free agents in the world of work and to maintain an intentional approach to meaningful work.

Call (859) 233-7726 or e-mail us today to schedule your first appointment. Sessions are strictly confidential. We charge on an hourly rate basis only.

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